Healthy Her

Rebuild your body, health and your life, no matter what stage of motherhood you’re at.

With more than two decades of experience in the health and wellbeing industry, host and mum of four Amelia Phillips speaks to the top parenting, fitness and medical experts to find out how you can thrive when you’re sleep deprived, learn to love your post-baby body, balance career with kids, keep your relationship with your partner on track and more. Practical tips you can implement straight away to improve your own mental and physical health, along with the wellbeing of your entire family.

Behind the Show: Wendy McCarthy and Alisa Latto

Behind the Show: Wendy McCarthy and Alisa Latto

Host Amelia Phillips goes behind the scenes, giving an insight into each episode, what went well, what didn't and helps us get to know the guests a little better. This ep goes behind Wendy MacCarthy who was instrumental in decriminalising abortion, and Alisa Latto,...

Behind the Show: Wendy McCarthy and Alisa Latto

Dr Norman Swan: How to live younger longer

Most of us want to live longer, healthier years. Research is indicating that our longevity is no more just about the genetic cards we are dealt, but actually we have more controllable elements at our finger tips than ever before. Host Amelia Phillips and Dr Norman...

Behind the Show: Wendy McCarthy and Alisa Latto

The Quantified Self Movement, is it Useful For Me?

The quantified self movement refers to a cultural phenomenon we’re seeing of self-tracking with technology, be it smart watches, fitness tracking apps, and more recently finger prick technology. Host Amelia Phillips and Adjunct professor Phil Hayes-St Clair discuss...

Behind the Show: Wendy McCarthy and Alisa Latto

Animal Therapy for Struggling Kids

There’s nothing more concerning than when our kids go through troubled times, be it anxiety, depression, friendship fires, home life struggles or ill health. But could one remedy for this be right under our nose… the family pet? Or even a trip to a local farm for some...

Behind the Show: Wendy McCarthy and Alisa Latto

Behind the show: Dr Norman Swan and Lara Cook

Host Amelia Phillips goes behind the scenes with Dr Norman Swan and Lara Cook, giving an insight into each episode, what went well, what didn't and helps us get to know the guests a little better.  Below is an unedited transcript of the podcast episode: Welcome...

Behind the Show: Wendy McCarthy and Alisa Latto

How to boost your self worth and body positivity

Do you ever go through a crisis of confidence? You don't feel worthy or you loath parts of your body? Host Amelia Phillips and Vanessa Haldane, founder of Journey to Worthy discuss this phenomenon and why it's so prevalent in Mums. Vanessa opens up about how trauma as...

Behind the Show: Wendy McCarthy and Alisa Latto

Helping your child through friendship fires

It can be heartbreaking to watch your child struggle through friendship issues during pre school and primary school. Maybe someone in their group is being mean, maybe they feel they don’t have many friends, they feel excluded, they fight, or maybe they want to switch...


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