Jun 29, 2015 | fitness, Weight Loss
Ever wondered how long it might take you to lose those pesky 5 kilos? Well here’s a nifty calculator that will tell you how long it will take you to lose weight. Try the Weight Loss Calculator Calories in vs Calories Out At the end of the day, weight loss comes...
Apr 13, 2015 | Eating Right, Weight Loss
Ever wondered what the best diets to follow in the cooler months are? Here are three diets that get my tick of approval for Winter. Watch my video below to find out more… DASH DIET: Because it has an emphasis on real foods, fruits and vegetables, balanced with a...
Jan 16, 2015 | fitness, Weight Loss
You do crunches and you hold the plank, but the midsection has still not reached the level of ‘toned’ you want it to. Still waiting on your washboard abs? 62% of women say the body part they’re most self-conscious about is their belly. Worry not...
Dec 23, 2014 | fitness, Weight Loss
If you are looking for a weight loss, toning, increased fitness and endurance ‘all in one package’, then boxing is the workout for you Boxing classes have grown in popularity and is a regular form of training used by Personal Trainers because of the range of benefits...
Nov 11, 2014 | Eating Right, Weight Loss
For years, you’ve been told that crash dieting is the wrong way to fitness, but a new Australian study is here to challenge that. A new research done on 200 people, compared a steady weight loss diet to a rapid weight loss diet, with participants of both groups...
Oct 6, 2014 | Eating Right, Weight Loss
Halle Berry. Jennifer Aniston. Elle MacPherson. Cindy Crawford. Sandra Bullock. All these women have one thing in common – they are over 45 and are looking pretty damn good. How you ask? It isn’t just the regular Pilates session that keeps their bodies...
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