Jun 8, 2016 | fitness, Weight Loss
Are you struggling with losing weight? Maybe you know a loved one who is. Whether you are trying to shift 5kg (11lbs) or 50kg (110lb), understanding the psychology behind your weight is paramount. It is also one of the hardest things to do, much harder than simply...
Apr 7, 2016 | Eating Right, Weight Loss
Editors Note: This is a guest post from Olympic Athlete Michael Blackburn, BAppSci (Hons), PhD (Sports Science). I’m writing this because too many times I’ve heard from athletes that ‘sugar is bad’ or ‘sugar makes me fat’. So I...
Jan 25, 2016 | fitness, Weight Loss
If you’re having a detox salad while reading this and thinking you can avoid your evening exercise session, then you’re very wrong. It’s a matter of life and death. A study conducted of over 300,000 Europeans found that lack of exercise is twice as...
Jan 6, 2016 | fitness, Weight Loss
In about five seconds you’re going to love me for saying this. You should try and take a nap every single day. Not an hour long sleep, but a small 15-20 minute snooze. Love me yet? Here’s why: A nap restores alertnessThe National Sleep Foundation...
Oct 20, 2015 | fitness, Weight Loss
Are you just too busy to exercise? Daniel Munday has helped many people like you to get their training on track. Daniel is a leading performance coach who specialises in fat loss for busy professionals. He has published many online Ebooks on this exact topic and here...
Sep 15, 2015 | fitness, Weight Loss
OK so you’re doing what the doctor/trainer/program instructed but you don’t seem to be losing any body fat. What is going on? Why can someone else lose it so easily but you struggle? First and foremost don’t complicate matters, fat loss is not rocket...
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