Home Remedies for Fighting Flu

Home Remedies for Fighting Flu

Sniff, Cough, Sniff, Sniff, Cough. It’s that time of the year when every work place, school, shopping center and public transport has a version of sniffles going on. Australian Medical Association [AMA] has predicted this flu season to be worse than before for...
Pregnancy Series: Trimester 2

Pregnancy Series: Trimester 2

Continuing from the last post where I discussed everything you can and cannot do in the very first trimester of your pregnancy.  I’m going to recap the rules for you once again, as they are very important: The RulesDoctor’s approval: Of course, I’m going to...
Pregnancy Series: Trimester 1

Pregnancy Series: Trimester 1

As most of you would know by my Facebook and Twitter updates – I’ve just gone through my first pregnancy, what an incredible experience! There’s so much scrutiny and talk about what women should or should not do in terms of exercising when they’re up the duff. I often...
Pregnancy: Exercising Safely in the Heat

Pregnancy: Exercising Safely in the Heat

The summer heat and humidity is a fast track way to fatigue and lethargy for most of us and that’s without exercising or being pregnant! Combine these three and it’s VERY uncomfortable. But just because it’s hot and you are pregnant it doesn’t mean you have to...
Screen Time Impacting Bone Density in Teenage Boys

Screen Time Impacting Bone Density in Teenage Boys

If the current levels of obesity are not enough to get you outside and away from the computer screen, here is another reason why adolescents should be encouraged to have less game time and more activity in their daily lives. Researchers in Norway conducted a study,...
Pelvic Floor and Running for Mums

Pelvic Floor and Running for Mums

Here is a fantastic article about the pelvic floor, running and how soon to get back into it post baby. The article is written by Physiotherapist Katrina Tarrant from The Fix Program, a Sydney based clinic specialising in women’s health. Read the full article...

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