STUDY: Tequila Could Help You Lose Weight

STUDY: Tequila Could Help You Lose Weight

Your day is about to get a lot better, as per a new study, the sugar found in the tequila plant could assist in weight loss and lower blood sugar levels. The 2014 study conducted at the American Chemical Society showed that agavin, a sugar that comes from the agave...
Hottest Fitness Trends for 2015

Hottest Fitness Trends for 2015

If you’re someone who gets bored with their exercise regimen every second week, you’d be happy to know that this year is about to get a whole lot more exciting for this industry. American College of Sports Medicine did an extensive study on what fitness...
8 Ways To Get A Flatter Stomach

8 Ways To Get A Flatter Stomach

You do crunches and you hold the plank, but the midsection has still not reached the level of ‘toned’ you want it to. Still waiting on your washboard abs? 62% of women say the body part they’re most self-conscious about is their belly. Worry not...

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